“Please tag anyone you know and share!”
From 2012 Cambridge Race for Life, posted by David Bradley on 7/01/2012 (65 items)
- Setting a good example at the Cancer Research UK Race for Life?
- Pink icecream van
- We’ll always be together
- I should Photoshop those phone boxes pink…
- Cambridge goes pink
- R4L passes Lloyds building, Cambridge
- Did you lose your race number card?
- Falsies
- Keep going ladies, nearly there…
- John Lewis Mannequins supporting R4L2012
- 7000 women…racing for life
- Placement advertising, or just thirsty?
- Dog tired?
- Get knotted
- Amazing how many people ignored these signs…
- Choose life
- Ooh err…missus…
- Warming up aerobically
- A Cambridge geneticist in situ
- A girl is never too old to wear bunny ears!
- Sox appeal
- Where’s Wanda?
- Poignant
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