I have a new song for you – Bridge of Sighs

I have a new song for you – Bridge of Sighs.

The original lyric I came up with seemed to talk to me of a failing personal relationship, but as it developed I began to realise it wasn’t about someone trying to claw back their emotional attachment to someone else it was more about someone trying to save another person.

As I worked on the chord progressions and the melodic aspects of the song, it somehow morphed into a song about a dissident or a persecuted family where the parent is desperate to get their child out of the country and escape the pain and suffering of their homeland. Seems like a fairly topical subject to sing about. I hope you like the song, but first you have to help me decide which version to release as the official version.

Bridge of Sighs song unplugged

Bridge of Sighs electrified

There is an “unplugged” version that also features Klaus Tropp on drums and me on the various combinations of acoustic guitars, bass, and vocals but without the Telecaster lead guitar line …

Bridge of Sighs (Unplugged) – SoundCloud