It’s No Beard Day, whatever that’s meant to mean, so quite ironic to see a pair of Bearded Tits, Panurus biarmicus, fleetingly at RSPB Ouse Fen this morning. They don’t usually show well when it’s windy, but if you listen out for their “peww, peww, peww” calls you can usually spot them among the reeds as they dart about. This is a male with his “moustaches/sideburns”. They really ought to be called Moustached Reedlings, rather than Bearded Tits. For a start, the black markings are nothing like a beard and these birds are family all of their own and totally unrelated to tits.

Also, having thought we’d seen some of the East Anglian flock of Cranes (we hadn’t), we were scanning the skies when a Bittern ranged into view.

Also seen and heard on the reserve this morning: Cetti’s Warbler, Redwing, Linnet, Goldfinch, Mute Swan, Greylag Geese, Wood Pigeon, Magpie, Meadow Pippit, Bearded Tit, Bittern, Kestrel, Buzzard, Marsh Harrier(?), Grey Heron, Blue Tit…