If you like your guitar phaser or vibrato very, very old school then this new FX unit will suit you to a tee. It’s a candle-powered unit, so shed a little light on your playing.
The Candela Vibrophase is an audio guitar effect that produces a mono output which creates a realistic 3D rotary speaker effect combined with phasing, wah, vibrato and tremolo effects. This hypnotic sound is produced using no batteries or power supply, merely a candle that drives two solar cells and a Stirling heat engine that spins an optical control disc whose design can be controlled by the user.
It’s probably not the easiest unit to fling into the back of your Transit Van as you leave that pub gig, but for the retrofascinated home studio guitarist, it does make some rather cool tones as you can hear from the ZVEX demo. Thanks to Bath Guitar School for bringing this to my attention. Be sure to have a fire extinguisher to hand in case your playing is really hot.