We visited Turkey recently (Ovacik, Ölüdeniz, Fethiye, Kayaköy, Hisarönü, The Aegean Sea), I reckon I took about 1200 photos, which included a lot of dupes and duds, burst mode action shots, bracketed sunsets and HDR snaps etc etc. Of those, 1200, there were 30-40 nice family snapshots, which I’ve shared with family and I reckon 80-90 of sites and scenes that capture a flavour of the region we visited.
![Turkey-2015-card-1 2015-07-13 110](https://imagingstorm.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Turkey-2015-card-1-2015-07-13-110.jpg)
So, here they are as a Flickr search, ordered by what the site calls “interestingness”, whatever that means…