As I mentioned in the last post, just reached almost 60000 listens on Soundcloud for my music, which is nice. I can check back what sites and apps people are using to play the stuff and there is, it seems a small, but significant, number who are listening and downloading my music via various pirate sites that enable downloads from SoundCloud even though I generally don’t make that facility available on my tracks (you can download some of them via BandCamp in Flac, Ogg, AAC, or mp3 format for a tiny, small, little download fee, usually $1).
Anyway, it got me thinking…is my stuff now good enough to steal? Somebody or somebot somewhere fed it into the pirate machine, whether bot or not, people are on those sites downloading the tracks…it’s a doubled-edged sword: they’re listening, but they’re not paying for the privilege and even if they were paying, it’s not as if that $1 per download is going to mount up to more than a few beers any time soon. That said, I could do with a few beers…fancy downloading an album? Anyone? Hello?