Behaving like animals
A little bird told me
Birds of a feather, flock together
On a wing and a prayer
Feather brain
Swan song
Bird on the wire
Old bird
Proud as a peacock
Lame duck
Sitting duck
Home to roost
Cock of the walkfel
Cock o’ the North
Canary in a coalmine
Sings like a canary
Hen’s teeth
Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander
Wise old owl
Make like an ostrich
Eagle eyed
Bird in the hand
Bird’s eye view
Greedy as a gannet
Love birds
Cuckoo in the nest
Dead as a dodo
Parrot fashion
Doggy style
Working like a dog
It’s a dog’s life
Sick as a dog
Black dog
Hang dog
Done up like a dog’s dinner
Let sleeping dogs lie
Can’t teach an old dog new tricks
Happy as a puppy with two tails
Dog gone
Dog tied
Mutt’s nuts
Dog’s bollocks
Cat’s pyjamas
Cat’s out of the bag
Curiosity killed the cat
Smug as a cat with the cream
Look what the cat dragged in
Cat got your tongue?
Cat burglar
Not enough room to swing a cat
Cat among the pigeons
Raining cats and dogs
Breed like rabbits
At it like rabbits
Making bacon
Whale of a time
Eager beaver
Beavering away
Doe eyed
Like flies around shit
Bull in a china shop
A red rag to a bull
Happy as a pig in shit
Pearls before swine
Making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear
Pigs might fly
Pig in a poke
Place like a pig sty
Quiet as a dormouse
Quiet as a mouse
Timid as a mouse
Ratted on
Dirty rat
Smelling a rat
Snail’s pace
Flogging a dead horse
Putting the cart before the horse
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
Can’t lead a horse to water
Could eat a horse
Hung like a horse
Work horse
Clothes horse
Saw horse
Horse faced
Stubborn as a mule
Hung like a donkey
Busy as a bee
The bee’s knees
Prickly as a hedgehog
Plenty more fish in the sea
A fish out of water
Shooting fish in a barrel
Like a fish needs a bicycle
Fisheye lens
Barrel of monkeys
Monkey business
Monkeying around
Monkey on your back
Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey
Snake oil
Nest of vipers
Clam up
Two shakes of a lamb’s tale
Mutton dressed as lamb
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
Lamb to the slaughter
Pass a camel through the eye of a needle
Don’t be a lemming
Acting like sheep
Like a moth to a flame
Social butterfly
Float like a butterfly sting like a bee
A spider’s web of intrigue
Strong as an ox
Snake eyes
Snake in the grass
See you later alligator
In a while crocodile
Crocodile tears
Crocodile shoes
Ship of the desert
Sure footed as a goat
Wily as a coyote
When the cows come home
Cow eyed
Leopards don’t change their spots
Hen party
Stag do
Opening a can of worms
Worm that turned
Worm’s eye view
Jumping about like a box of frogs
Frog in the throat
Slippery as an eel
Blind as a bat
Sly old fox
Snug as a bug in a rug
Bunny boiler
Bear hug
Bug eyed
Bats in the belfry
Lounge lizard
Pissed as a newt
Drunk as a skunk
High as a kite
Guinea pig
Elephant in the room
Seeing pink elephants
Memory like an elephant
Size of an elephant
Furry friends
With lots of extra suggestions and inspiration from LittleBird and a clutch from Jon Edwards, for which many thanks. Of course, someone had already created a page with hundreds of #AnimalAphorism, but I didn’t look before I started mine, honest. There list is much longer, much better and links to meanings, so I’ll just give them a shout out and save myself the extra work.
All photos by Dave Bradley.